Publications and Conferences

*Corresponding authors

Published Articles:

Journals: Carbon, Nanoscale, Physical Review B, Scientific Reports (Nature), Applied Physics Letters, Nanotechnology, Semiconductor Science and Technology, Computational Materials Science, Superlattices and Microstructure, AIP Advances, Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Materials Today: Proceedings.

Contribution: First author: 14 articles, last-corresponding author (supervisor): 5 articles.

22. Van-Truong Tran, Roberto D’Agosta, Marc Bescond, and Sebastian Volz, “Ab initio phonon transport based on Non-Equilibrium Green’s function formalism: A practical approach, Physica Status Solidi (b)Basic Solid State Physics, Invited Paper, submitted.

Project: GoLoATs

21. Lam-Thuy-Duong Nguyen, Thi-Kim-Quyen Nguyen, Van-Truong Tran*, Wu-Ching Chou, Thanh-Tra Vu*, Thi-Kim-Loan Phan*, “Impacts of electric gating and divacancy on optical absorption spectra of zigzag buckling silicene ribbons”, submitted.


20. Van-Truong Tran*, Roberto D’Agosta, and Sebastian Volz, “Tuning Parity Selective Transport Effect in Zigzag Graphene Ribbons”, submitted.

Project: GoLoATs

19. Lam-Thuy-Duong Nguyen, Van-Chinh Ngo, Thanh-Lap Thai, Dang-Thao-Nguyen Phan, Thi-Anh-Dao Nguyen, Van-Truong Tran*, Thanh-Tra Vu* and Thi-Kim-Loan Phan* “Correlation between energy band transition and optical absorption spectrum in bilayer armchair graphene nanoribbons”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 35 385301 (2023), 


18. Van-Truong Tran*, Thanh-Tra Vu, Philippe Dollfus, Jérôme Saint-Martin, and Marco Pala, “Thermal conductance of twisted-layer graphite nanofibers”, arXiv:2208.14242 (2022). Carbon 204 601–611 (2023),, (IF: 11.31)

Project: PLACHO, GoLoATs

17. Alexis Front*, Georg Daniel Förster*, Van-Truong Tran, Chu-Chun Fu, Cyrille Barreteau, François Ducastelle, and Hakim Amara*, “Simulation of thermodynamic properties of magnetic transition metals from an efficient tight-binding model”, arXiv:2112.03537 (2021)Physical Review B 105, 144101 (2022).

Project: MAGIKID

16. Thi-Kim-Quyen Nguyen, Nguyen-Huu-Hanh Pham, Loan- Phan Thi Kim, Thanh-Tra Vu*, and Van-Truong Tran*, “Effect of electric fields on the electronic and thermoelectric properties of zigzag buckling silicene nanoribbons”, Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 12 035002 (2021).

Project: NAFOSTED (grant No. 103.01-2018.338)

15. Van-Truong Tran* and Alessandro Cresti*, “Thermoelectric properties of in-plane 900-bent graphene nanoribbons with nanopores”, arXiv:2103.15427 (2021), Nanotechnology 32 395401 (2021).

Project: Personal, GoLoATs

14. Van-Truong Tran*, Jérôme Saint-Martin, and Philippe Dollfus, “Electron transport properties of graphene nanoribbons with Gaussian deformation”, arXiv:2005.04497 (2020), Physical Review B 102, 075425 (2020).

Project: Personal, GoLoATs

13. Thi-Kim-Quyen Nguyen, Thanh-Tra Vu*, Van-Truong Tran*, “Tight-binding description for the electronic band structure of penta-graphene”, Semiconductor Science and Technology, (2020).

Project: NAFOSTED (grant No. 103.01-2018.338)

12. Van-Truong Tran*, Chu-Chun Fu* and Anton Schneider, “Effective interaction model for coupled magnetism and phase stability in bcc Fe-Co systems”, arXiv:2001.05342 (2020), Computational Materials Science 109906 (2020).

Project: MAGIKID

11. Van-Truong Tran*, Chu-Chun Fu* and Kangming Li, “Predicting magnetization of ferromagnetic binary Fe alloys from chemical short range order”, arXiv:1903.11468 (2019), Computational Materials Science 109344 (2019).

Project: MAGIKID

10. Van-Truong Tran*, Jérôme Saint-Martin, Philippe Dollfus and Sebastian Volz*, “High thermoelectric and electronic performance in graphene nanoribbons by isotope and vacancy engineering”, Materials Today: Proceedings 5, 10393–10400 (2018).


9. Van-Truong Tran*, Jérôme Saint-Martin, Philippe Dollfus and Sebastian Volz, “High thermoelectric performance of graphite nanofibers”, arXiv:1709.04515 (2017), Nanoscale 10, 3784-3791 (2018), doi: 10.1039/C7NR07817J


8. Thanh-Tra Vu, Thi-Kim-Quyen Nguyen, Thi-My-The Nguyen, Van-Cuong Nguyen, Van-Truong Tran*, “Enhancement of the Seebeck effect in bilayer armchair graphene nanoribbons by tuning the electric fields”, arXiv:1710.09187 (2017), Superlattices and Microstructure 113 616-622 (2018).

Project: NAFOSTED (grant No. 103.01 – 2015.98)

7. Van-Truong Tran*, Jérôme Saint-Martin, Philippe Dollfus and Sebastian Volz, “Third nearest neighbor parameterized tight biding model for graphene nano-ribbons”, arXiv:1702.02606 (2017), AIP Advances 7, 075212 (2017).


6. Thanh-Tra Vu, Thi-Kim-Quyen Nguyen, Anh-Huy Huynh, Thi-Kim-Loan Phan, Van-Truong Tran*, “Modulation of bandgap in bilayer armchair graphene ribbons by tuning transverse and vertical electric fields”, arXiv:1611.07405 (2016), Superlattices and Microstructure 102 451–458 (2017).

Project: NAFOSTED (grant No. 103.01 – 2015.98)

5. Van-Truong Tran*, Jérôme Saint-Martin, Philippe Dollfus and Sebastian Volz*, “Optimizing the thermoelectric performance of graphene nano-ribbons without degrading the electronic properties”, arXiv:1609.05187 (2016), Scientific Reports 7 (2017).


4. Thanh-Tra Vu and Van-Truong Tran*, “Electric gating induced bandgaps and enhanced Seebeck effect in zigzag bilayer graphene ribbons”, arXiv:1602.00754 (2016), Semiconductor Science and Technology, 31 085002 (2016).

Project: NAFOSTED (grant No. 103.01 – 2015.98)

3. Van-Truong Tran*, Jérôme Saint-Martin and Philippe Dollfus*, “High thermoelectric performance in graphene nanoribbons by graphene/BN interface engineering”. arXiv:1508.01837 (2015), Nanotechnology 26, 495202 (2015).

Project: PhD

2. Van-Truong Tran*, Jérôme Saint-Martin and Philippe Dollfus*, “Dispersive hybrid states and bandgap in zigzag Graphene/BN heterostructures”, arXiv:1412.6798 (2014), Semiconductor Science and Technology, 30, 105002 (2015).

Project: PhD

1. Van-Truong Tran*, Jérôme Saint-Martin and Philippe Dollfus*, “Large on/off current ratio in hybrid graphene/BN nanoribbons by transverse electric field-induced control of bandgap”, Applied Physics Letters 105, 073114 (2014).

Project: PhD

Conference papers:

3. Philippe Dollfus*, Viet-Hung Nguyen, Van-Truong Tran, Mai-Chung Nguyen, Arnaud Bournel, Jérôme Saint-Martin, “Thermoelectric effects in graphene and graphene-based nanostructures using atomistic simulation, PATMOS, 7833705 (2016). DOI: 10.1109/PATMOS.2016.7833705

2. Van-Truong Tran*, Saint-Martin Jérôme, Dollfus Philippe*, “Hybrid states and bandgap in zigzag Graphene/BN heterostructures, International Workshop on Computational Electronics-IWCE, 7301953 (2015). DOI: 10.1109/IWCE.2015.7301953

1. Van-Truong Tran*, Saint-Martin Jérôme, Dollfus Philippe*, “Modulation of bandgap and current inGraphene/BN heterostructures by tuning the transverse electric field”, 17th International Workshop on Computational Electronics-IWCE , 6865869 (2014). DOI: 10.1109/IWCE.2014.6865869

Conferences (talks and posters):


21. Alessandro Cresti and Van-Truong Tran, Enhanced thermoelectric properties of in-plane 90°-bent graphene nanoribbons with nanopores, Graphene 2021, 26-29 October 2021, Grenoble, France. (Poster)

*We would like to thank Gaëlle Bigeard (IMEP-LAHC, Grenoble) for assisting us in presenting this poster at the conference despite the fact that both authors were unable to attend.

20. Van-Truong Tran*, Atomistic designs of graphene-based nanostructures for high thermoelectric performance, Virtual Conference on Thermoelectrics 2021 (VCT2021), 20-22 July 2021. (Talk)

19. Van-Truong Tran* and Chu-Chun Fu, Understanding the interplay between magnetization and local chemical environment in Fe-Co alloys: from 0K to finite temperatures, European Conference and exhibition on Advanced Materials and processes (EUROMAT 2019): Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Defects, 01-05 September 2019, Stockholm, Sweden. (Talk)

18. Thanh-Tra Vu*, Thanh-Lap Thai, Van-Truong Tran, Influence of the electric field on the optical properties of bilayer graphene nanoribbons, APS March Meeting 2019, 4-8 March 2019, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. (Talk)

17. G. D. Förster*, V.-T. Tran, C-C. Fu, F. Ducastelle, and H. Amara, Tight-binding model for iron including magnetism via the Stoner description, Ab initio Description of Iron and Steel (ADIS 2018): Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Defects, 04-09 November 2018, Schloss Ringberg, Germany. (Talk)

16. Van-Truong Tran*, Chu-Chun Fu, and Frédéric Soisson, Understanding the magnetization in FeCo alloys by a multiscale simulation, Ab initio Description of Iron and Steel (ADIS 2018): Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Defects, 04-09 November 2018, Schloss Ringberg, Germany. (Talk)

15. G. D. Förster*, V.-T. Tran, C-C. Fu, F. Ducastelle, and H. Amara, Tight-binding model for magnetic materials such as Co and Fe, GDR ModMat workshop, 15-16 October 2018, Paris, France. (Talk)

14. Van-Truong Tran*, Chu-Chun Fu, and Frédéric Soisson, Magnetic properties of Fe-Co alloys: A multiscale simulation study, GDR ModMat workshop, 15-16 October 2018, Paris, France. (Talk)

13. Van-Truong Tran*, Chu-Chun Fu, The impact of magnetism on properties of defects in Fe-Co alloys, CMD27-The 27th Edition of the Condensed Matter Division Conference/ Magnetism In Materials Science: Thermodynamics, Kinetics And Defects, 11-16 March 2018, Berlin, Germany. (Talk)

12. Van-Truong Tran, Jérôme Saint-Martin, Sebastian Volz and Philippe Dollfus*, Thermoelectric properties of graphite nanofibers, the Annual meeting of the GDR Graphene & Co 2017, 15-19 October 2017, Aussois, France. (Talk)

11. Thanh-Tra Vu*, Thi-Kim-Quyen Nguyen, Anh-Huy Huynh, Thi-Kim-Loan Phan, Van-Truong Tran, Modulation of bandgap in bilayer armchair graphene ribbons by tuning transverse and vertical electric fields, The 2nd HCMUS–IAMS Workshop on Energy Materials and Nanotechnology, 13 December 2016, Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam. (Poster)

10. Van-Truong Tran*, Jérôme Saint-Martin, Philippe Dollfus and Sebastian Volz, High thermoelectric and electronic performance in graphene nanoribbons by isotope and vacancy engineering, 14th European conference on thermoelectrics (ECT2016), 20-23 September 2016, Lisbon, Portugal. (Talk)

9. Philippe Dollfus*, V. Hung Nguyen, V. Truong Tran, M. Chung Nguyen, Arnaud Bournel, Jérôme Saint-Martin, Thermoelectric effects in graphene and graphene-based nanostructures using atomistic simulation, PATMOS 2016, 21-23 September 2016, Bremen, Germany. (Talk)

8. Vu Thanh Tra, Nguyen Thi Kim Quyen*, Tran Van Truong, Controllable electronics structure in Zigzag Bilayer Graphene nanoribbons, The 41st National Conference on Theoretical Physics (NCTP-41), 1-4 August 2016, Nha Trang, Viet Nam. (Poster)

7. Van-Truong Tran*, Saint-Martin Jérôme, Dollfus Philippe, Enhancement of thermoelectric properties in in-plane Graphene/BN structures, Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference (TNT2015), 7-11 September 2015, Toulouse, France. (Talk)

6. Van-Truong Tran, Saint-Martin Jérôme, Dollfus Philippe*, Hybrid states and bandgap in zigzag Graphene/BN heterostructures, International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE 2015), 02-04 September 2015, West Lafayette, Indiana USA. (Talk)

5. Van-Truong Tran*, Saint-Martin Jérôme, Dollfus Philippe, Hybrid states at interfaces of zigzag Graphene/BN heterostructures, Graphene 2015, 10-13 March 2015, Bilbao, Spain. (Poster)

4. Dollfus Philippe*, Nguyen Viet-Hung, Berrada Salim, Tran Van-Truong, Nguyen Mai-Chung, Bournel Arnaud, Saint-Martin Jérôme, Strategies to control the current in graphene transistors, CMOS Emerging Technologies Research Symposium, 06-08 July 2014, Grenoble, France. (Talk)

3. Van-Truong Tran*, Saint-Martin Jérôme, Dollfus Philippe, Modulation of bandgap and current in Graphene/BN heterostructures by tuning the transverse electric field, 17th International Workshop on Computational Electronics, (IWCE 2014), 03-06 June 2014, Paris, France. (Poster)

2. Dollfus P. *, Nguyen Viet-Hung, Berrada S., Tran Van-Truong, Nguyen Mai-Chung, Bournel A., Saint-Martin J., Strategies to improve the control of current in graphene transistors, 18th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry (ECMI 2014), 09-13 June 2013, Taormina, Italie. (Talk)

1. Tran Van Truong*, Saint-Martin Jérôme, Dollfus Philippe, Modulation of bandgap and current inGraphene/BN heterostructures by tuning the transverse electric field, NanoSaclay Nanoelectronics Workshop, 10-13 December 2013, Paris, France. (Poster)






2. Van-Truong Tran, Advanced Simulations of Electron and Phonon Properties in Nano-systems based on Heterostructures of 2D Materials”, at IMEP-LAHC/CNRS, Grenoble, 18 November 2021.

1. Van-Truong Tran, Multi-scale Simulations of 2D materials and Fe-Alloys”, at SRMP, CEA Saclay, 24 May 2018.


PhD thesis:

Van-Truong Tran, “Electronic and thermoelectric properties of graphene-boron nitride in-plane heterostructures/Propriétés électroniques et thermoélectriques des hétérostructures planaires de graphène et de nitrure de bore”, PhD Dissertation Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, 26 November (2015).