About me

Van-Truong TRAN

Dr. in physics

Current position:

Researcher at Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (C2N), University Paris Saclay, France



My name is Van-Truong TRAN (in Vietnamese: Trần Văn Trường), I am a researcher in the domain of computational materials science. My studies aim at understanding and predicting the physical properties of materials and exploiting useful features to design nano-systems for applications such as electronic switches, sensors, thermal manipulation, thermoelectrics. Core research focuses on the electronic, thermal, thermoelectric, and optical properties of 2D materials. I also have broadened my experience to different topics such as magnetic and thermodynamic properties in Fe-alloys. Experienced with the development of methods and simulation tools.


I was born and grew up in a village in the Northern Vietnam. In 2004, I moved to Hanoi to begin my bachelor’s study at the Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE) where I obtained a degree in physics in 2008.

After spending a one-year as a physics teacher in a high school, in 2010 I went to Taiwan for my master’s study. I received my master’s degree in condensed matter physics in February 2012 from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. After that, I came to Singapore to work as a research assistant at the SMART center (Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology).

In December 2012, I joined the Institut d’Electronique Fondamentale (IEF), Université Paris-Sud (Paris XI) in Orsay, France as a Ph.D student for the study of the electronic and thermoelectric properties of Graphene/BN heterostructures. My Ph.D thesis was carried out under the supervision of Dr. Philippe DOLLFU and Dr. Jérôme SAINT-MARTIN. I had my Ph.D defense in November 2015, and after that I joined the team of Dr. Sebastian VOLZ at CNRS/CentraleSupélec, France to work as a postdoc in a European thermoelectric project. From November 2017 to November 2019, I was in my 2nd postdoc and worked with Dr. Chu Chun FU at the CEA, Saclay, France. At this position, I focused on the development of multi-scale simulations to study magnetic and thermodynamic properties of Fe-Co alloys, at both 0 K and finite temperatures. In December 2019, I joined the IMPMC laboratory, Sorbonne Universités in Paris, France as a postdoc and worked with Dr. Lorenzo PAULATTO on a project funded by LabEx MATISSE. In this project, my studies focused on development of a novel approach based on first-principles methods to understand and predict the attenuation of soundwaves in the Akhiezer regime.

Since November 2021, I have been a senior postdoctoral researcher at Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (C2N), Université Paris Saclay, in Palaiseau, France. In this role, I have worked with Dr. Marco PALA on the development of a novel method for quantum transport based on outputs of first-principles calculations.


  •     2012 – 2015

Université Paris-sud (Paris XI), France

PhD student, Institut d’Electronique Fondamentale (IEF)

  •    2010 – 2012

National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Taiwan

Master, Department of Electrophysics

  •   2004 – 2008

Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE), Hanoi, Vietnam

Bachelor, class of talented students, Department of Physics    

  •    2001 – 2004

Ha Nam Specialized High School, Hanam, Vietnam

Class specialized in physics



  •    PhD grant for 3 years (2012 – 2015)

Awarded by the French ministry of education, delivered by the Doctoral School STITS of the Université Paris-Sud.

  •    Certificates for the excellent student

Certificated by the department of Electrophysics, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.

  •   Golden scholarship for master’s program in science (2010 – 2012)

Awarded by National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.

  •   The second prize

In the National Physics Examination set by the Ministry of Education and Training for talented high-school students in physics, in Vietnam, 2004.

Certificate of Merit of the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training; Exemption from the senior high school graduation and university entrance exams in 2004.


A recommendation was written by Dr. Sebastian VOLZ, my previous postdoc advisor at CNRS (can also be seen on my LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/van-truong-tran-1b2b21177/)